
Diverticular Disease

Diverticulosis is a condition in which small pouches are developed in the colon. In some cases, there is infection or inflammation in such pouches which results in the so-called diverticulitis.

The prevalence of both diverticulosis and diverticulitis has been observed to be different in developed and non-developed countries. Importantly, this difference has been attributed to the consumption of fibres. In industrialised countries, diets are known to be low in fibre which is in contrast to non-developed countries where people consume high fibre vegetable-based diets. Therefore, fibre has been suggested as a prophylactic approach for diverticulitis. They soften the stools and lower the pressure in the intestine facilitating the passage of the contents.1 


Evidence about the possible role of commensal microbiota on the development of diverticulitis is limited. Some studies indicate no difference in the microbiota from individuals with or without diverticula.2



1. Insel et al. (2004). Nutrition, 2nd edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. P 135.

2. Jones et al. (2017) Scientific Reports 8:4951.