b'4 weeks prior toNutritiontravel Daily Bifidobacterium or Lactobacillus probiotic containing at least 10 10CFU.Day of travel NutritionAdjust mealtimes to destination timesProtein and fibre rich snacks e.g., Biltong, steamed edamame beans, boiled egg snack pots, yogurt & fruit, hummus, and carrot sticks.Hydration/electrolyte tablets and fluidsCool bag and bottle to fill with ice once through security, to store and transport nutritious meals and snacksChewing gum to maintain saliva flow rate and first line immune defenceFor those prone to constipation following long haul flights, consider intake of foods with natural laxative effect e.g., prunes, kiwifruit, or flaxseedHygienePack antiviral hand foam and antibacterial wipes to wipe seating and eating areaSleepAdjust sleep and meal times to destination timeLight exposure consideration during flight/on arrivalEye mask to create darkness and aid sleep, rest and time zone adjustmentsTravel pillow for neck supportUse of caffeine or avoidance of caffeine linked to sleep/nap timesDay of arrival NutritionMealtimes in line with destination mealtimesSleepAdjust sleep to destination time. Sleep and nap times/duration in line with jet lag strategyActivity/training in line with light exposure requirements. Low level, low intensity, low skill levelUse of caffeine pre nap to wake up out of a nap, or post nap to stay awake if required. Avoidance of caffeine 4-5 hours pre bedDays 2-4 SleepProgression of jet lag strategy depending on time zone changes and individual adjustmentOngoing NutritionMealtimes in line with destination mealtimesAthletes were monitored for nutrition and lifestyle strategyThe management strategies described above were from four weeks prior to travel, during travel, arrival and forsuccessfully implemented to support gut and immune the duration of time spent for training and competition. Thehealth during travel. Ensuring sufficient macronutrient and main aim was to reduce risk of infection, sleep disturbancesmicronutrient intake, including adequate energy, vitamin and altered bowel movements. Maintaining the nutritionC, vitamin D, and fibre consumption, as well as intake of strategy, hygiene and sleep routines for athletes during travel,probiotics. Dietitians and nutritionists are recommended to supports the normal functioning of the immune system, gut- advise adequate fibre, hydration and maintenance of sleep and brain axis and the GI system. No reports of loss of trainingdietary routine. This allows for the adjustment of the circadian time, health issues or fatigue were seen in this case-study. rhythm and maintenance of the gut microbiota symbiosis to support immune and gut function.10'